Time to Enroll/Disenroll in Medicare, Marketplace Plan


Medicare's Annual Election Period began October 15th and continues through December 7th.  During this time, beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan administered by a private insurance company may disenroll and return to the traditional Medicare program (Parts A and B) administered by the federal government, or vice versa.  To switch back to the...

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Holiday Greetings & Medicare’s 50th Birthday

This holiday season we celebrate the opportunity to work with you and your family on elder law, disability, and estate matters.  We greatly appreciate your continued support and wish everyone, especially those who have suffered a loss this year, a peaceful holiday and a New Year filled with hope.

Medicare's 50th birthday in 2015...

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Medical Loss Ratio Will Apply to Medicare Plans

MLR:  Is a refund due from your Medicare Advantage or Drug plan?

Under Health Reform, Insurance companies must spend a certain percentage of premiums on health care benefits.  Individual and small business plans must spend at least 80% of premiums on benefits and limit administrative expenses to...

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